Friday, January 31, 2025

The Efficacy & Perceived Usability of Siakad Stekom

Siakad Stekom

The Efficacy and Perceive Usefulness of Siakad Stekom at Universitas STEKOM is discuss in this article. The objective is to understand the Efficacy and also Perceived Usability of SIAKAD to students. There are several factors that determine the usefulness of SIAKAD.

Science & Computer Technology

If you are interest in studying science and also computer technology, you may want to check out Universitas STEKOM Siakad in Jawa Tengah. The university offers various study programs and job placement services to its students. This university is also known for offering the latest curriculum programs.


The Universitas STEKOM Siakad was found in 1964 and is a part of the Politeknik Negeri Malang. Currently, the university offers courses in Computer Science and Information Technology. In addition to this, it also provides undergraduate and graduate level programs. The university also hosts various professional workshops.

The university has a strong commitment to research and also innovation. The faculty’s research programs include the use of e-learning platforms, which use digital media to communicate with students. This makes the educational process much more convenient. The SIAKAD Polinema can also be used for navigation. It delivers the desired image and information to the user.

Perceived Usefulness of SIAKAD

The perceivability of SIAKAD Stekom is a subjective measure that depends on individual perception. The perceived usefulness of a tool can be evaluate by its perceived ease of use. In addition, usability measures its usefulness to users. These factors may be useful for deciding whether or not to purchase a product.

The concept of perceive usefulness has been widely used to measure the usefulness of a technology. This term is often used in the evaluation of a new device, but it should be note that it is subjective. As such, it can be difficult to measure the usefulness of a device.

This study analyzed the perception of SIAKAD Stekom as an aid for navigation and data collection. The results of this study indicated that the SIAKAD Polinema was easy to use and also conveyed the correct image and also data to users. In addition, it also demonstrated that SIAKAD Polinema was easy to learn and navigate, thus promoting the user’s confidence in the product.

Perceived Usefulness of SIAKAD for Students

The perception of usefulness of SIAKAD for students was examine by means of surveys. The respondents rated the usefulness of SIAKAD on four variables – System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, and Student Satisfaction. Perceived usefulness of SIAKAD was the mediating variable between System Quality and student satisfaction. This study was conduct using path analysis and a total of 100 responses were analyze.

Structural Equation Model

SIAKAD is a web-based application design for students. Students at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta were ask to complete questionnaires about their attitudes, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and intentions to use SIAKAD. The data were analyze using a Structural Equation Model and SPSS-AMOS v24 application.

The application of SIAKAD with the TAM method has a significant impact on the IT acceptance construct. The application of SIAKAD to the TAM method produces a t-statistical value of 2.855 and the highest t-statistical value. Overall, SIAKAD has the potential to help students and staff of the AKRB accept the new system.

Efficacy of SIAKAD for Students

Siakad Stekom is a digital learning tool for Indonesian students. The purpose of this tool is to provide students with information and also tools that are relevant to their studies. The SEVIMA EdLink is based on kelas-kelas (courses) and also beritas (information) that are publish in a variety of sources. The SEVIMA EdLink provides students with educational information about a variety of subjects.

Final Words:

The SIAKAD is integrate with UCMS, a technology that enables students to learn through barcode scanning and also video. This technology also includes several means of online resources and rekap perkuliah. This technology can make learning more convenient and fun. It can also help students improve their study habits and also learn how to use academic software effectively.

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